Support Us
Giving brings us into a new relationship with our money, others and ultimately God. We can move out of worry and the need to control, to glimpse the abounding fullness of God's love.
“All things come from you and of your own do we give you.”
We encourage people to support the work and life of St James' through the Parish Giving Scheme. If you are not a member of the PGS please consider giving in this way – the scheme has several advantages for the church and you.
1. You can support the church finances even when you aren’t able to attend services;
2. Gift Aid claims are completed on the church’s behalf;
3. Gift Aid is paid to the church each month;
4. It allows you to opt into annual inflationary increases if you choose, thereby protecting the value of your gift over time:
You can also donate from our donations page on our website. This can either be a one-off donation or you can set up a monthly donation. For details please click on the link
Alternatively, you can make a one-off donation either by sending a cheque made payable to “The Parochial Church Council of Campden,“ to the church office or via a bank transfer – for details please contact Liz, the church administrator:
The Church Office
Calf Lane
Chipping Campden
GL55 6JQ
Tel. 01386 841927
Thank you for your support and generosity.